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Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
Olivia Rhye
Founder & CEO
Former co-founder of Opendoor. Early staff at Spotify and Clearbit.
Phoenix Baker
Engineering Manager
Lead engineering teams at Figma, Pitch, and Protocol Labs.
Lana Steiner
Product Manager
Former PM for Linear, Lambda School, and On Deck.
Demi Wilkinson
Frontend Developer
Former frontend dev for Linear, Coinbase, and Postscript.

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Mavity is simple, fast and fun

Fundraising AI tools collaboration
AI-powered tools
Prepare for investors with our Demo Day Script generation and Quavity filters to achieve the best assets.
Slack and clickup integrations
Third-party App integrations
Be aware of every part of the process with the best project management and team communication tools.
Project templates and prebuilt teams
Ready-to-go project templates
Start a project easy and fast with our self-serve project builder and curated top notch creative teams.

Share team inboxes

Whether you have a team of 2 or 200, our shared team inboxes keep everyone on the same page and in the loop.

Deliver instant answers

An all-in-one customer service platform that helps you balance everything your customers need to be happy.

Manage your team

Measure what matters with Untitled’s easy-to-use reports. You can filter, export, and drilldown on the data in a couple clicks.

Connect with customers

Solve a problem or close a sale in real-time with chat. If no one is available, customers are seamlessly routed to email without confusion.