OTIS: the power of digital assets in generating traction.

Johana Martinez
Content Marketing Lead
29 Aug
22 Apr

The development of creative projects brings with it various processes and challenges. Starting with the budget that has been assigned for such project; the time in which it needs to be executed; the objectives to be met; the process to be carried out and finally the results.

In the execution of creative projects; it is important to have the support of a Project Manager who will be in charge of leading your creative team; establishing continuous communication with stakeholders; developing the project timeline and estimating resources and necessary deadlines for deliverables; in a few words; ensuring the success of the project.

At Mavity; every time we start a new creative project; we make sure to carry out a correct workflow process; which consists in establishing the necessary actions and tasks to execute a project. This process will help us obtain the results expected by our clients.

Workflow management helps keep creative teams more efficient; empowered; organized; and goal-oriented. A good process helps identify what; how; when; and why of a given project.

We share the case of one of our clients; OTIS. This is a platform that facilitates the administration and optimization of advertising campaigns on different channels at the same time without the need of experience.

The general objective of OTIS with its projects at Mavity was to be able to generate more traction for its services through the design and creation of digital assets.

We will know in more detail the projects that were worked with OTIS and how they were carried out taking into account an adequate workflow.

UX/UI team

OTIS initially started working on its brand with product design. Within the needs to be resolved and opportunities for improvement; they wanted to find a way to generate more conversions by best communicating their digital marketing support service to users who are looking for an easy-to-use platform where they can have various tools and functionalities for the management of advertisements in multiple channels. OTIS wants to achieve this by providing the best user experience and interaction through its website.

After OTIS was able to validate the quality of the service offered by Mavity; they decided to invest in two additional digital assets; which we will present below:

Customer Interview Videos

With the creation of a testimonial video with one of its clients "Smart Healthy Green"; a company dedicated to home garden services; in which the COO of this company narrated how OTIS increased its user acquisition rates while maintaining optimized and efficient advertising.

Product Hunt Video

We also worked on the redesign of a corporate video they were using to promote their brand; but its design and communication did not closely match their brand identity. This new video is very short and long enough to teach in a very impressive and clear way the benefits and results of using this platform; in addition to that it also contains screenshots of small reviews from some satisfied customers who recommend the platform.

Up to date; OTIS is one of our recurring clients and continues to work with us month after month in UI and project manager services.

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How do we achieve this?

Thanks to the good management of the workflow handled by our Project manager and team of creatives; the development of this OTIS project and many more has been achieved. We will present the step by step of how we achieve it:


For each specific project; both for the product design and for the testimonial and corporate video; we started with a detailed brief which contained the following:

  • Company description.
  • Objectives.
  • Content information.
  • Target audiences.
  • Desired design.
  • Formats and Media (Videos)
  • Places of execution.
  • Referents.

Briefs are the action guide that a client makes known to the creatives who are going to develop their project in order to execute the strategies. These guides are one of the tools that helps make the workflow much more precise and therefore successful.


Mavity made a good team with the internal leaders of the OTIS project. After having spoken with them and knowing their detailed brief; the work team and dependencies that were going to work on these projects began to be established; later we proposed a work plan for each of these projects and it was landed by means of a timeline. With the timeline; the execution time of each task to be developed is estimated and works to provide a broad view of the project.


The storyboard helps us to convey well the concept of what is going to be designed; with the objective of visualizing ideas and concepts of digital assets. In a few words; it is the sketch where the key ideas are going to be captured.

Design proposal

Once we know the storyboard; all those involved in the project must give their approval to move on to the next stage; which is the design proposal that receives various feedbacks from the client and then makes the respective adjustments.

Monitoring and control of work

This stage is when some activities are carried out; which include the monitoring of tasks and milestones planned in the timeline; all the management of deliverables with quality control; and feedback rounds.

End of project

The closing of each project is accompanied by a checklist to verify that everything has been done. In this process with OTIS; an analysis of results was made with what was expected. In this case; there was only a project closure with the two videos we made for them; analysis of product development results which has generated expected results and for such a reason they decide to continue with our UI service and project manager for their website.

At Mavity we want to help you with the development of your creative project so that you obtain the expected results.

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