How to make a good pitch

Johana Martinez
Content Marketing Lead
10 Mar
22 Apr

Before knowing how to make a good pitch; we must clearly identify what a pitch is. Here we go!

What is a pitch

The pitch is the letter of introduction of a project or company and is made known through a brief speech. The pitch is a fundamental tool in all phases of the process of creation and growth of a startup. From the conception stage of the idea to the search for funding; the pitch is a key tool to effectively convey the objectives; the business model; and the potential of the company to potential investors and collaborators. As the startup advances in its growth process; the pitch can evolve and adapt to the needs of the company and the market. In short; the pitch is an integral part of the strategy of any startup seeking to succeed in an increasingly competitive business environment.

The content of the pitch varies depending on the target audience to whom you are going to present it; for example; in many occasions the pitch is also used to present to customers; prospects; and suppliers to present the company; and depending on the case the content should change a little depending on what we want to communicate and to whom.

Read here How to raise capital to boost my startup?

How to make a good pitch deck

If you want to capture attention you must make a perfect pitch; for this; it is important that you know very well your startup; the sector in which it is located; the problem you want to solve; what you want to achieve; and why you want to get it; you must research and master your idea to be able to respond clearly to all the questions you are asked and something that you should not overlook is to focus more on the benefits than on the characteristics of your startup.

The pitch should not be improvised; the ideal is to practice it many times even in front of different people so that you receive different feedback and you can improve little by little in those aspects.

In the pitch; you must present the idea in detail and the modulation and presentation of the idea must be clear and concise. The presentation times vary a lot; but in general; you will have between 3 and 5 minutes to captivate; convince and open doors to possible meetings with investors and thus be able to talk more in-depth about your startup.

The pitch presentation is best supported by slides; which should be very clean; pleasing to the eye; and with standard fonts; should contain little text to avoid concentrating more on the text of your slide and better focus on your verbal presentation; if you are going to contain graphics that are better aligned than bars; avoid more than 10 slides; try to be clear and short graphics and avoid including screenshots as they lose resolution.

At Mavity; we have helped more than 150 startups on their way to fundraising and we have found that 80% of startups that have these assets get investment.

One of the reasons you can impress investors is by investing in design. Learn here the 5 reasons for your startup to invest in design.

Structure of a pitch.

The pitch is divided into three parts: the introduction; the development; and the closing. This is the ideal structure for the creation of your pitch slides.

Title: Here you will present the name of your company and also present a brief introduction of what your startup does or the idea you have.
Problem: Make it very clear what is the problem you want to solve; the pains you want to alleviate or the existing solution you want to improve. The idea is to make that problem worth solving.

Solution: Explain how you are going to solve the problem you want to solve and justify why your solution is the best alternative.
Value proposition: Explain the added value of your product or service.
Market: Talk about your target audience and to whom you want to solve the problem.

Competitor analysis: Mention what there is in the market that is solving your same need; but make your strengths and differentiating aspects known.

Business model: At this point mention how you make money; profit margins; prices you manage; and resource management.

Team: Show your collaborators and who are the members of your team that are helping to promote your project.

Projection: Make a growth projection of your startup for the next 3 years. Remember not to exaggerate with the figures.

Roadmap: Here you will explain where you are right now; what you want to achieve; and how much money you need.

Know here the 6 steps to start your business in 2023.

Remember that everything goes through the eyes; so it is vital that your presentation visually attracts a lot of attention; and that it is nice and pleasant; with high-resolution designs and images. You can create it yourself; but it is better to leave the development of your pitch slides presentation in the hands of creative professionals and at Mavity; we are specialists in the creation and development of pitch decks.

I want to create my pitch deck with Mavity

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